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5pc Lot of BULLDOG SRT Super AFX Turbo HO Slot Car Chassis vQuick 5 Wheel COLORS
Price: $134.99

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5pc Lot of BULLDOG SRT Super AFX Turbo HO Slot Car Chassis vQuick 5 Wheel COLORS
    Item Description
    This listing is for FIVE (5) 2021 BULLDOG SRT Super Tomy Turbo Form-Factor, Wide HO Slot Car Chassis. 1350mph; Very Quick with excellent handling and a great sound on the track! Wide pan, ADJUSTABLE front wheel base. RTR Ready to Run. GOLD, OLIVE, RED, WHITE & BLACK.

    It will mount under most any wide body 1980s - 2015's TOMY bodies, as well as 1970's Aurora AFX, Magnatraction, G+ G-PLUS bodies as well as similar form factor manufacturers, such as those made by AutoWorld and Johnny Lightning. They also work Great underneath the Bob Beers release of AFX'tras and O-Goes-HO line of bodies. It will also fit under most any Aurora wide-base, Ultra5 or Speedsteer powered bodies.

    The chassis uses conventional; TOMY Turbo, TOMY SRT or TOMY Super G+ parts like pick up shoes, axles and wheels.

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